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Try GPTZero Free Plan - 5,000 characters limit, batch upload, AI detection

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GPTZero - Features, Pricing & Deals

GPTZero is a leading AI detection tool, committed to preserving human elements in written works by accurately identifying text written by large language models including ChatGPT, GPT-4, Google-Gemini, LLaMa, and more. Devised by renowned researchers from institutes like Princeton, Caltech, MILA, Vector, and OpenAI, GPTZero employs an advanced multi-step process approach to recognize AI-written content. Its unique approach extends to individuating at document, paragraph, and sentence level, which gives it supreme accuracy and minimal false positives.

Launched in 2022, GPTZero is a trusted choice for over 2.5 million users and over 100 organizations worldwide, with applications spanning education, hiring, publishing, legal, and more. Ensuring high standard data security with SOC-2 and SOC-3 certifications, it offers features like deep scanning, plagiarism identification, AI copyright checking, and the scanning of multiple files simultaneously. Its dashboard is designed to cater specifically to educators' needs, and it even offers a chrome extension that enables AI content detection while browsing the internet.

GPTZero also offers an easy-to-use API for integration into your existing tools and workflows. Although highly accurate, GPTZero acknowledges the constant evolution of AI-generated content and urges users to apply the results constructively and not use them as indisputable evidence of AI usage. Instead, it encourages using the tool as a way to foster dialogue and increase awareness about AI-written content, especially in educational settings. As for data privacy, it doesn't store or collect the documents passed into any calls to its API, ensuring data security at all times.

Overall, GPTZero represents a continual effort in benchmarking and advancing AI detection models, striving to stay ahead in the rapidly changing paradigm of AI text generation.


  • Multilayered AI Detection: Uses a multilayered approach to analyze text and determine if it was written by AI.
  • Education Module: A model fine-tuned for student content, increasing the accuracy of detecting AI for educational purposes.
  • Internet Text Search: Checks if the text exists in text and internet archives to avoid misclassification of commonly used texts.
  • GPTZero Shield: A layer that defends against other tools looking to exploit AI detectors, maintaining a database of the most common methods to ‘by-pass’ AI detection.
  • Burstiness: Analyzes how similar the text is to AI patterns of writing, checking for changes in style and tone throughout the text.
  • GPTZeroX: A sentence-by-sentence highlighting and classification model that analyzes each sentence in the text in the context of the whole document.
  • Perplexity: Reverse engineers the generative AI model, developing suggestions of what word is coming next after each word in the text.
  • Deep Learning: Uses an end-to-end deep learning approach, trained on both massive text corpuses from the web, education datasets, and synthetic AI datasets.
  • Scoring System: Provides a score, known as ‘completely_generated_prob,’ which indicates the probability that the entire document was AI-written text.
  • Sentence-level Classifications: For mixed content, GPTZero can provide sentence-level classifications, highlighting specific sentences that it believes were written by AI.
  • Versatility: Can detect content generated by a range of AI tools, including the likes of ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-2, LLaMA, and other AI models.


  • Free Plan: Limited to 5,000 characters limit per document and a 3 file limit for batch uploads, great for individual users or small scale analysis.
  • Educator Plan ($9.99 per month): Ideal for educators this plan offers an increased limit of 50,000 characters per document, unlimited batch uploads, the ability to check 1 million words per month and access to a more fine-tuned detection model tailored for educational use.
  • Pro Plan ($19.99 per month): Aimed at professional users, this plan provides a 50,000 character limit per document, unlimited batch uploads, the ability to check up to 2 million words per month and access to GPTZero’s premium AI detection model with high limits, perfect for businesses or organizations.
  • API Access: Prices start from $14.99 per month for API access, allowing you to check up to 0.5 million words per month. This can be scaled for larger organizations needing to check up to 5 million words per month at a cost of $99.99. Developers and businesses requiring a higher limit can get a quote by contacting GPTZero directly.
  • Multiple plans for organizations: GPTZero provides the flexibility to purchase multiple plans at once for your organization, perfect for businesses with large teams. Pricing depends on the number of members and chosen plans.
  • Billing Cycle: Subscribers can enjoy up to 33% savings by opting for an annual billing cycle.
Last Updated
August 20, 2024 11:05

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